let sensei teach you how to fight spam with email images and temporary email addresses
== currently a beta sensei ==
System Administrator for Hire
Over 10 years of experience

How to use the emailsensei Firefox extension

Download it if you don't already have it.

With the emailsensei Firefox extension you have a very convenient way of using all emailsensei functionality in your Firefox browser. If you want to know more about this functionality please read our frequently asked questions

Email image functionality

  1. Go to home page
  2. In the left-hand side enter your email address and customize the way you want it to look
  3. Press 'Generate image' button
  4. Copy the image ID to clipboard
  5. In Firefox go to 'Tools' menu and choose 'Emailsensei settings'
  6. Paste the image ID from clipboard to the field 'Email image ID provided by emailsensei'
  7. Optionally you can customize which features you would like to have enabled in your context menu; if you don't want to disable anything just leave all checkboxes ticked
  8. Click the 'Close' button
  9. Right-click on any text input box - you can even use the search box from Google home page for testing
  10. In the emailsensei submenu click only one of the following: 'Insert email image link', 'Insert HTML email image link', 'Insert BB (forum) email image link'. You will see that your link will be pasted into the input box. Each menu item corresponds to a link provided by emailsensei when you created your email image - this is just a very convenient way to use those links from within Firefox. Each item can be enabled or disabled in the submenu via the emailsensei settings.
  11. Each time you need any of your email image links just repeat only the last 2 steps. It doesn't matter if you restart Firefox or your computer - the email image ID will be preserved and the same links will be pasted each time

Temporary email functionality

  1. Right-click on any text input box - you can even use the search box from Google home page for testing
  2. In the emailsensei submenu click 'Insert temporary email address'. You will see that a temporary random emailsensei email address is generated and pasted into that field.
  3. Right click anywhere on any page in Firefox
  4. In the emailsensei submenu click 'Inbox for last used temporary email'. You will see a list of emails received during the last 24 hours on the last generated temporary email address.
  5. Each time you need a temporary email just repeat the steps above. You have to remember that each time you click 'Insert temporary email address' the 'Inbox for last used temporary email' feature will use the newly generated address. However emails are still received for all other temporary email addresses that you have used and you can check the last 24-hour mail manually by going to home page.
  6. Optionally you can choose to enable or disable the temporary email functionality from the emailsensei context menu. In Firefox go to 'Tools' menu, choose 'Emailsensei settings' and check/uncheck 'Insert temporary email' option
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